Transformative Conflict
Organisation working to decolonise and grow transformative, interdependent cultures, by developing dynamic, inclusive ways of co-existing and walking towards challenge together.
Booklet and guide on 'Working with Conflict in our Groups' - for grassroots activists.
Offering and receiving feedback
Guide to offering and receiving feedback to nourish relationships and make your group more effective. This guide explains how you can do this in a positive and constructive way.
Series of 2-page resource guides on working with conflict.
Website of systemic approach to conflict that continues with a growing community both in Brazil and internationally.
Website of the conflict transformation summit in 2020 with interviews and resources from over 50 contributors.
Website with many articles and resources on all aspects of conflict
Reinventing organisations wiki
A wiki focused on conflict within organisations and groups, using the Teal approach from 'Reinventing Organisations'.
Book ‘filled with examples about how to deal with abuse, revenge, anger and rage in multicultural settings. There are methods for developing eldership as well as process work views on revolutions, and racism’.
Befriending conflict - Joe Goodbread
Book and blog providing concise, easy steps for recycling conflict into personal growth, sustainable relationships, and self-empowerment.
Blog post on 'How humanity fell in love with itself again'
Website of Pádraig Ó Tuama, Poet and theologian explores interests in language, violence and religion. He presents Poetry Unbound with On Being Studios
Coursera Conflict transformation
Free online training course introduces you to the concept of conflict transformation and how it differs from conflict resolution, management, and prevention. We’ll see how conflict offers opportunities for constructive change, and we'll explore different tools and methods for engaging conflict constructively.
In our increasingly divided world, Corrymeela is a movement of people rallied around one inspirational idea: ‘Together is better’. 'Offering programmes enabling young people to tackle sectarianism, to supporting survivors of racism and homophobia, we work relentlessly to tackle intolerance, hatred and oppression.'
A new set of Conflict Resilience Resources from the Transition Network, with information about conflict transformation topics and processes, plus some practical ways to apply them in your own groups
Image credits
Photo by Peter John Maridable on Unsplash
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