Becoming an emotionally healthy adult
Wild Mind guides
Wild Mind is a training programme based out of Animas Valley Institute that focuses on the healing and wholing dimension of soulcraft. Wild Mind guides have been through an average of 5 years of intensive apprenticeship and rigourous training and therefore offer a very high quality of guiding and training.
Sara McFarland - Wild Mind guide and mentor based in Germany
Sara is a trauma-informed Wild Mind guide, naturopath, herbalist, massuese and storyteller extraordinaire. She offers one:one mentoring and in person and online group trainings.
Bel Selkie - Wild Mind guide and mentor based in Cymru/Wales
Bel is a Wild Mind and soul guide, a resecrator, forest planter and keeper of the Holy Days. She offers one:one mentoring and counselling and group trainings, both in person and online.
Animas Valley Institute (Animas) - organisation, based in Colorado, north America.
Animas was founded by Bill Plotkin in 1980. It founded both Wild Mind and the term soulcraft and offers rigours training programmes and intensives in Wild Mind and soulcraft, all around the world. Check out their website for a list of Wild Mind mentors and guides.
For more information about Wild Mind we highly recommend checking out Bill Plotkin's book:
Wild Mind: A field guide to the human psyche.
Eco awakening
Pachamama Alliance, organisation
Pachamama Alliance is a global community that offers people the chance to learn, connect, engage, travel and cherish life for the purpose of creating a sustainable future that works for all.
Pat McCabe, Woman Stand Shining
The reconciliation between the masculine and feminine, Men's Nation and Women's Nation. Remembering, recreating or creating anew a narrative for the Sacred Masculine. Addressing the Archetypal Wounding that occurred in our misunderstanding and abuse of technology in prayer, ceremony and science.
"Riley Yesno is an Anishinaabe woman from Eabametoong First Nation who grew up in Thunder Bay, ON ... She has worked with Indigenous leaders across the country on a First Nation’s Self-Determination advisory board, and has spent the past two summers working with Nishnawbe Aski Nation under their executive council"
The Natural Academy, organisation, UK based.
Eco-psychology, Nature based wellness from Rhonda Brandrick and Michael Connor.
Animal Tracking Wilderness Awareness School
Wilderness survival, nature connection, bird language, tracking etc. Jon Young’s Wilderness School.
Thriving and living in the wilds as our ancestors did, rather than wilderness survival.
Year long courses in clan based survival in the wilderness
Hide tanning, food gathering, nature-based spirituality, thriving within Nature, connnected to her.
Rebuilding nature-connected communities worldwide
Grief and Praise, Indigenous Soul, Courting the Holy in the Wild.
Orphan Wisdom is the home of Stephen Jenkinson’s writing and teaching work. Orphan Wisdom is a teaching house for the skills of deep living and making human culture.