Mental health and wellbeing


Climate Psychology Alliance (CPA), organisation, information, podcasts, resources

Organisation focused on psychological aspects of climate change. Also see CPA North America and CPA Scotland.

Individual Therapeutic Support is offered in the UK to people who are affected by the ecological, biodiversity and climate crises.

Radical Therapist Network is a group of counsellors and psychotherapists dedicated to intersectional and anti-oppressive learning and therapeutic practice. RTN meet regularly to (un)learn, re-frame, heal and re-build ways of working that are fundamentally anti-racist, anti-capitalist and anti-oppressive.

Network of Wellbeing (NoW), organisation

NoW support a UK network of people and organisations who care about the wellbeing of people and planet. Resources, UK events and directory of wellbeing organisations.

(Formerly Happy City Initiative) aiming to  change the economic compass from pointing to consumption and growth toward wellbeing for people, place and planet. Work with local authorities, organisations and individuals to provide practical pathways to measure, understand and improve wellbeing.

Online and in person training and resources for resilience and wellbeing.

The International Network Toward Alternatives and Recovery gathers prominent survivors, professionals, family members, and advocates from around the world to work together for new clinical and social practices in response to emotional distress and what is often labeled as psychosis.

PCSR’s aim is to locate counselling and psychotherapy in a social, political, ecological, and economic context

The blog of Tada Huzomi, practitioner, developer, and teacher of emergent methodologies for individual and collective healing that holistically integrate animism, somatics, and justice.

Image credits

Photo by Motoki Tonn on Unsplash

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