Ecopsychology resources

Ecopsychology UK organisation

Providing information about ecopsychology in the UK and beyond, including: resources, history, practices, details of the current and previous 'Edge of the Wild' annual ecopsychology gatherings, and practitioners.

Links to practitioners working in the UK and Ireland.

The Work That Reconnects Network, practitioners, resources, articles

Groupwork process developed in 1980s by Joanna Macy and colleagues. Draws on system theory, Buddhist philosophy and deep ecology, with focus on holistic connection to life to develop resilience and resource for these times.

Walks that Reconnect, guided walks

Inspired by the book ‘Active Hope – How to face the mess we’re in without going crazy’ this in an offering of four ‘Walks that Reconnect’, guided through downloadable text and audio

An international space to connect and collaborate with others who are exploring implications of a near-term societal collapse due to climate change. Through this free forum you can join regular webinars, seek advice and co-create shared resources for your field of expertise.

Earth Activist Training (E.A.T.) courses and training

E.A.T. offers two-week residential courses in permaculture design that proved a Permaculture Design Certificate, recognized by the worldwide permaculture movement. We also offer training in Social Permaculture and Facilitation, a Sacred Earth Apprenticeship program, mentoring for teachers and designers, and consultations with community groups

Place-based centres and course providers

Findhorn Foundation, courses, online webinars, events and talks

"An experiment in transforming human consciousness, surrounded by a stunning Scottish landscape of beach, bay and forest"

Schumacher College, courses and talks

Schumacher College is an inte​rnationally renowned learning community offering innovative learning for social and ecological change through masters programmes, short course and horticulture programmes.

Embercombe, programmes and courses

Series of programmes that offer "the opportunity to reconnect to what is important to you and to the life you dream of living".

Ulex project, courses and trainings

"The Ulex Project provides high-quality training for activists, change makers, and organisations. We take an integral approach – combining personal, inter-personal and political transformation. We look for systemic responses to systemic challenges – building movement capacity for social justice and ecological integrity. We deepen reflection and strengthen connections for personal and collective empowerment."

Ecodharma courses, events and retreats

offer events "which support the realisation of our human potential and the development of an ecological consciousness honouring our mutual belonging within the web of life – drawing on the Buddhist Dharma and the emerging ecological paradigms of our time".

Image credits

Photo by Robert Anasch on Unsplash

Resources suggestions and feedback

We welcome suggestions for additional and more diverse resources.

Please see our criteria and submit links and descriptions to suggested resources via our form. Thank you.

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