Queer/ing Consciousness
With Sara McFarland and Julianna Howatt
July 21-25, 2025
13-15:00 EST, 19-21:00 CET
As queer people, we believe Earth is up to something through me and us. We experience the beyond-the-binary way of being and belonging, to be a trans-formational gift to the current polarization and binary right/left political fanatacism that currently has our world in its grip. We know deep in our bones and belly and blood and body that Earth is asking us all to Queer our consciousness and wake up out of the slumber of modernity’s comfort and too easy judgement of us and them. We invite us all to question our own ways of taking sides, or blaming other folx for their choices, beliefs or prejudices. We absolutely need to be doing our work, especially those of us with privilege in this consumerist capitalist world. And, we call us all to become more queer, more odd and wyrd and less “normalised”.
This offering is for Queer folx who want to ask the question, what is Earth up to through us? As well as for those straight folx who want to explore a Queer consciousness and are willing to be led by a bunch of queers. We will craft community in a brave space of radical honesty and radical acceptance. We will ask the questions that feel scary to ask and reveal the deep knowing within us.
Come be queer in body, heart, sexuality, love, thought and let us listen in for the magic and medicine these times so deeply need from us.
We will be in edgy exploration through somatic practice, sharing exercises in small groups, expressive movement and art practices, question asking, sitting in uncomfortable and trauma attuned space with open hearts in sacred conversation and more. It will be emergent and queer and beautiful, can’t wait to be with you!