
Mentoring is a powerful support through times of unraveling, not-knowing and transformation. It allows us to more gracefully surrender to the process that Mystery/Earth/Life is unravelling through us; following golden threads of creativity, soul, spirit, embodiment and longing while also letting go, surrendering and opening. It supports us to move ever closer to dropping into Life’s slipstream and living as the unique gifts we were called into this lifetime to share. 

Mentoring is an accompaniment, not a telling you what to do, a gentle and sometimes fiercely loving human alongside you to help you remember your resources and strengths and find humbleness and softness in these turbulent times, both personal and collective. 

Drawing on our key ingredients, design principles and tools and practices for composting power-over culture, our mentoring will support you or your group/ organisation to journey beyond power-over consciousness as it shows up in you, your relationships, group culture, theory of change, strategic planning and delivery plans.

This mentoring is especially for change leaders, climate scientists, funders and all those who are working upstream of the symptoms of our crisis (or underground at the roots, or ontologically/ multivalently/ holographically).

We meet you at the threshold of the inner and the outer, composting power-over culture from the inside-out, in order to deepen your capacity to fully presence these times and embody inner-led change. Our work together is about consciousness shifting, from power-over to eco-awakened, from protective strategies to wholeness, engaging in practices of emergent strategizing, collective decision-making, transformative conflict, collective trauma attunement and healing, decolonizing at depth, soulcrafting, shadow work, core to sacred wound alchemy and emergent eros, inviting you to rewild your psyche and your heart. We will not be developing a strategy for how to respond or save the world. We will be un-knowing, un-learning, un-making the ways we have made ourselves within the power-over culture and composting the old life in order to let the new be born and grow out of it in radically more expansive and transformative ways.

This is composting power-over culture to relational culture through inner-led change.

Photo: Sara McFarland
  • Learning how to be radically responsible and honest with feedback as part of cultivating healthy cycles of rupture and repair. Racism/supremacy work for white folks, examining one’s power and privilege.
  • Learning to hold yourself and cultivate the inner parent for your wounded ones, trauma aware healing practices of becoming an adult
  • Recognizing habits of entitlement, privilege based comfort and human centrism
  • Falling in love with Life in these times, healing spiritual bypassing and habits of escaping and numbing out.
  • Fully feeling and emotional intelligence, how to listen to our own heart and include our vulnerable parts
  • Cracking through the protection of ignorance/denial of the way things are (Modernity and Collapse) and allowing grief to wash through and expand us
  • Revealing our mistaken belief of separation from Earth and re-membering ourself as nature.
  • Learning to see unhealthy relationship patterns with humans and other than humans and take steps to heal.
  • Learning a map of the psyche that is resource- and nature-based, in order to support our well being and welcome all the parts of ourselves home.
  • Shadow work and core to sacred wound alchemising (when appropriate)
  • Parts work - transforming our relationships with our inner village to unleash the power and energy that’s available when we learn to welcome and give space for all our parts, and especially those we tend to marginalise, repress or deny.
  • Dream work - rather than interpreting our dreams, we listen for the ways that the dream wants to work us- through experiencing, feeling and deepening into the dream.
  • Deep Imagination and guided journeys - shifting consciousness to the deep heart of our awareness where the imagination of all beings lives to listen to the voices of all of Earth’s creatures and beings.
  • Invitations to wander on the land - without knowing where you will go, we invite you to let your feet, your heart, the wind, or birdsong, call you to a place on the land and to a creature with whom you might be in conversation.
  • Mirroring and asking deepening questions - listening to your stories, inviting you into the depths of your intuitive knowing and mirroring the healing or power or gift we hear in your stories.
  • Expanding the ways of knowing- from head knowing out to also include your body, senses, feelings, intuition, imagination.
  • Not-Knowing - Reading, listening, expanding your opinions, views, perspectives other than your own. Cultivating practices, relationships and ways of being that are unexpected, new, strange, that challenge knowing that is supportive of power-over structures.
  • Core to sacred wound alchemy - growing the necessary ground for our particular core wound to make itself available for us to become more intimate with it and to welcome and alchemise its visceral pain into the sacred gifts that only we can bring into the world thanks to the particularity of our wounding.
  • Shadow work - growing the necessary ground for the parts of us that are currently in the realms of our unconscious to feel safe enough to reveal themselves and make themselves available as gifts to the world. These parts tend to relate to power, life force and sexuality. 
  • Letting go of old ways of being - habits of relationship or attachment to roles an life style choices that are based in Modernity and power-over.
  • Whole-systems approach - the whole is greater than the sum of its parts and each part is an aspect of the whole- everything co-creates the now.
  • Interbeing - The co-creative power alive within Life that expresses itself through all cycles of life at both depth and scale.
  • Dancing with Paradox - Willing to give up fixed points of view and move between apparent opposites to reveal their medicine.
  • Hosting multiple perspectives - The non-binary, multiplicity of queered experience of complexity within a community, an organisation, as ecosystem and each being.
  • Relational Systems thinking- Thinking like an ecosystem, weaving our ways of heart centered thinking into the larger pattern of the life-Death-Life cycle.
  • Radical Self Love- Willing to love ourselves and be compassionate, as well as radically honest when we have acted out of alignment with our values.
  • Collaborating across difference - Recognizing our shared humanity is deeper than differences that might arise between us and learning how to welcome and alchemise the conditioned fears that so often arise in the face of difference (e.g. fear of not belonging, fear of not getting our needs met, fear of being persecuted or exiled etc)
  • Healthy boundaries - Feeling our anger, our values, our clarity, our care and our priorities and communicating them.
  • Radical inclusivity - Not-knowing better, dismantling supremacy in our relationships with the other than human world and other humans.
  • Queer/ing- Complexity beyond the binary
  • Soulcraft - Dream Work, Deep Imagination, Wanders in wildish places
  • Windows of knowing - Sensing, Imagining, Feeling, (heart-centered) Thinking
  • Deep imagination- weaving our imaginations with Earth at the place where the essence of all things and creatures lives.
  • Ritual and Ceremony- shifting consciousness to invite a perspective beyond the every day business as usual and to gather wisdom and guidance from the other than human world.
  • Wholing and healing - cultivating resources that are our wholeness and self-healing of protective strategies and wounded ones within us.
  • Eco-awakening - Emotionally, spiritually, physically, psychologically and ancestrally experiencing ourselves as Earth.
  • Earth Based Wholing- Becoming whole with and as part of Earth, recognizing Earth community as our own body and psyche (rather than the other way around).
  • Healing and Transforming Civilisation Trauma- through trauma attuned practices of tending our core wounds and shadow, we integrate the power with rather than the power-over consciousness.
  • Trust and Safety- safe enough to build trust and risk to create brave spaces where we can do the deep work needed.
  • Embodiment- discovering our aliveness in our bodies and remembering our emotions as embodied energy.
  • Co-Evolutionary intent - Listening in at the edge of (co)evolution as it unravels through us, our groups, communities and the wider web of life. 
  • Walking our talk - Being in our integrity, doing what we say we will do, embodying our commitment to being Earth and dismantling power-over in ourselves and our relationships.
  • Emergent strategy - Listening in at the edge of Life expressing itself birthed through the now. What is Earth up to through me?
  • Embodying presence- present with what is and not trying to make it be different, including ourselves, other humans and the world. Feeling what it is to be here, where you are, right now.

Our journey is supported by the following tools and practices:

Core to sacred wound alchemy

Grief tending

Ancestral Healing

Trauma healing

Shadow work

Cultural somatics

Decolonizing at Depth practices

Meditation and contemplative practices

Dream work

Deep Imagination journeys

Shadow work

Ceremonial Soul Fasts

Relationship with the wild others

Rupture and Repair

Collective decision making

Action reflection cycles

Relational agreements

The way of Council











Mentoring will happen with one of our Core team. Find out more about them by clicking on the links below:

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