Donate to Starter Culture:

Support Inner-led Change
At Depth and Scale

The work of Starter Culture is currently supported by the generosity of our funders who are aligned with our vision. As with any funding grant, our reach is impacted by how much and for how long we are able to be financially supported.

And so... we joyfully open our arms to those that would love, and are able, to support this work to continue unfolding!

If you are able to financially contribute, and help us to continue to amplify the importance of inner-led change within social and environmental movements, please consider making a donation...

If you'd prefer to set up a standing order for a regular donation to keep supporting our ongoing work, please see our details below:

Account Name: Starter Culture  

Bank name: Triodos Bank

Account Number: 2126 2152

Sort code: 16-58-10

International transfers:


IBAN: GB98NWBK60000410018573

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